Part 46: I'm just a lowly commoner!

Let's get this show back on the road, so we can get to the next part where we can ignore the plot and recruit random strangers for my army! (music)

Frey no longer cares to question how the hell she finds this shit out so he just nods.

Aw, but it would sure help our... morale... watching you do it!

Why do I get this cold, sinking feeling in my chest all of a sudden...?

But Frey nods his approval because, well, what else is he going to do?

What am I supposed to do, then?

You're no help.
Oh well, we could just go bother Georg since he's finally decided to show up. Maybe we can get him back in our party! That would be pretty cool.

You most certainly did! I'm still having some trouble not falling asleep when I'm trying to wait, though.

Damn straight.

Water under the bridge.
You know. Literally. Water. Under the bridge in Lordlake.
I'm just that good.

Yes we bloody well can! Just watch me.

Shouldn't we be, like, taking the fight to them or something?

Well poopie.

It's only a matter of time.

The rest of them don't have anything more of interest to add, so we'll get our butts over here for a bit.

Sending Boz off to Sable is the trigger for this guy to move again. As you may recall, we need to pester him at every opportunity so that he'll give in and join us to shut us up.

Anyway, he looks around the place for a little bit.

All in a day's work!
Well, a couple of days.

The fuck you say

So maybe to make up for all those terrible things you thought about me...

ugghh you and your professionalism and doctor's code

Bleah. Fine. I'll just have to wait until Gizel starts oppressing another peasant village.

For now, there's another weird dude waiting for us by the entrance, and this one isn't even a colossal douche!

He's awfully suspicious looking, though.

Soldier: Ah, Your Highness!

Uh... personal space? (music)

Umm let me see, the answer to questions three and four are both standing right here. For the other ones, you'll have to talk to my secretary, Ms. Zerase, who will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have-

Oh. I guess you can ask her instead.

Wait hold on


Actually I heard that back when toilets were just holes in the floor, a popular assassination method used to be climbing up the castle wall to the bathrooms and stabbing the first lordly butt that happened to appear. Though the tale does not mention how you'd know you stabbed the right butt.
Also, heh. "Assassin."

Hey, some people think it's fun to make up their own answers!
They're usually the same ones who pay 376 bazillion bucks for "Blank Canvas: The Un-Painting."

You're hired!

That sounds like a terribly misspelled version of "lolcat" and I think this is going to end poorly already.

So anyway, we bring the strange man directly to our strategist because there's not as if he could be out to stab her in the butt or anythiiii wait actually let's stop talking about that because it's kinda gross. (music)

Hey hey hey not cool man, you're not supposed to tell us that!

Well okay, I suppose it's hard to keep his identity secret if he writes it down for us.

I wanna meet Lord De Beers. With a name like that, he can't be anything less than fantastic.

Good judgement, that man!

Not terrible brave, but good judgement nonetheless.

It's not as if I have anything better to do, and it'd get me away from certain unpleasant people who invited themselves to my castle without permission! (music)

You kind of are, yes.

One load screen disguised as off-screen exposition (and a costume change) later...

Get with the times, lady, I haven't been wearing the orange one in like several updates! Adults are so out of touch with today's youth.

yeah yeah whatever

Maybe if you're trying to pass yourself off as Definitely Not A Queen's Knight, you should wash off the official guyliner...

Actually I think they'd be more like "Did you hear he hits on everything that moves and even some things that don't?" "Yup, definitely our Kyle!"

And come on. That's way too unrealistic. Multiple people with the same name? In the same town no less? Never!

This is a terrible idea. Can't I take someone who won't land me in a world of trouble?

Come on, guys. I can't be the only one to feel this way. I really am the only one?!

Well, fuck.

...someone put this guy out of my misery.

We have a couple of things to take care of before that, though.

Her sensibilities are far beyond my ability to appraise. Therefore, I have nothing to say.
Going through the mail is an obvious one.

I'm pretty sure I heard that my great-grandmother was of that family. So I guess that would make Egbert one of my distant relatives.
Now we know where you got all your good genes!

Been avoiding me of late, have you? Well, you can't ignore me forever, and I'm sure you haven't forgotten...

Actually I'm pretty sure I can ignore you forever and I'm definitely sure I can do it right now.

We'll bring our new people along on this mission.

I like all these party-sensitive lines.

What a scoop! This'll practically write itself!
Oh, and Taylor has invited himself to an empty spot in the basement. 's okay, I guess.

Kyle's civilian outfit looks a bit like Viktor's from the original game (and sequel).
I think I'd rather have Viktor.

Out of the three reports on Zerase, this is sadly the most interesting. But of course we're still going to get the third because fuck Zerase.

Keep that redneck as far away from me as ya can, Prince!
Found a new line of dialogue on the way back.

And just like any other store keeper, Marina has an NPC stand in for her when she's away.

Norden has a new line. But we don't particularly care since he's outlived his purpose.

Richard has been reunited with his beloved Mueller. Look how happy he is!

Mueller is kind of a jerk.

It's positively dreadful! Stay back! You are an affront to civilization!
So's Josephine.


The option to sail to Lelcar is now available, so we'll get started on that.

It's a pretty long trip. Lelcar's to the west of Lordlake, but getting there by boat requires some circling around.

It's a weird looking place. And the music is new.

I'm going to count how many lines you get before someone spots you and blows this all out of proportion.

That was two.
I know it was me he spotted, but it's still your fault. God damn you are the worst knight.

He has a neat hat. Must be trustworthy!

...thank you.

And so it begins.

I realize I'm sounding awfully negative here. I've actually been looking forward to Lelcar for a couple of different reasons.

One of them being this exchange.

(His hat, as nice as it may be, is not one of them.)

I think it's the dumbest thing I've read all day.

Quickly, lead us over there before you open your mouth again!

...I think the hat's cutting off his circulation. It's the only thing I can' come up with to explain what just happened.

Wasil could have dragged us along with him straight away, but we're actually free to explore most of the place before we head to his place... so obviously, we will.

It's adorable

Girl: Wanna play "Prince and Princess"? "Oh, Brother, where have you been all this time?"
Well you see there was this greaseball who stole this thing and now I have it and there was a castle and beavers and and and these things take time dammit! I'm doing the best I can!
Old Townsman: (he's hidden under the dialogue box in the shot above) The Prince is doing a grand job for someone so young in years. My grandson's about the same age as him, but I can't get that lazy bum to do anything right!
Maybe you should provide a better example.
Also pictured here, a chest with a White Rose Brooch in it. It's a speed-boosting accessory. Lelcar has quite a few chests lying around for us to loot, but not all of them are interesting.

We'd constantly be at each other's throats! He's truly a divine gift!

I don't think I want to know how this place is still standing if the other guys in charge are even worse than this guy.

Godwin says we should do as he orders for the good of the country, but I won't let him fool me! He's using us to serve his own twisted desires. Nothing more.
You're smart! How are you an NPC? You should get a name and portrait. And then join my army.

Oops, interruption time.

That fool of a Prince is just getting in the way!
We'll just stand here watching silently while you beat each other to a pulp. Don't mind me. (music)
Second Angry Man: Hmph! You've got a lot of nerve calling His Royal Highness the Prince a "fool"! I bet you wouldn't say that to his face!
Third Angry Man: Shut up! What's wrong with calling a fool a fool?! He's even palling around with the guy who killed his parents! What a sicko! I bet he planned the whole thing!
Fourth Angry Man: Heh heh heh heh! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Third Angry Man: What the hell's so funny?!
Fourth Angry Man: You actually BUY that story? You gullible, gullible fool! Lord Godwin killed Her Majesty the Queen and His Majesty Commander Ferid! Sir Georg Prime was just the fall guy! Any idiot can see that!
First Angry Man: Why, you! You're gonna be sorry you besmirched the name of Lord Godwin in front of ME!
It's like I have my very own forums drama. If I come back in 20 minutes, one of these guys will have been banned, two will have been probated and the last will have a massive redtext avatar telling the world what a horrible person he is and also that he molests goats.

Lyon also has a comment on it.

Then we should probably get the hell out before someone nukes part of it with a miniature version of the Sun Rune.
Townsman: (under the dialogue box) I travel quite a lot in my line of work. Been to quite a few places, seen a lot of faces. Have I seen you somewhere before? I feel like I've seen your face someplace...
Time to run before he remembers where!

We don't even know who we are half the time! Rovere, Godwin, Barows, we've seen it all!
Well he's gone now, so maybe you could turn to someone else for guidance? I hear the Prince is an incredibly handsome, intelligent and just fellow.

No, not you. I mean that skinny guy behind you!

We start off in the middle part of town. Taking the bridge on the east side, naturally, lands us on the east side.

If you can tell me what he looks like, I might be able to not horribly kill him in the next battle... hahahaha no sorry, that was cruel.
Townsman: Damn that Orok! Hmph! "Godwin's representative"? Never trust someone with a stupid name like "Orok"!
Everyone has their reasons. Who am I to say if they're good reasons or not?

It used to lead to a bridge by Lordlake, but that was destroyed after the uprising two years ago. You can only go as far as the river nowadays.
Bah. I know a convenient excuse to keep me from mid-game equipment in the early game when I see one!

We can leave Lelcar, but like the woman says, there's not much point. There's just the same old random enemies, and I don't need to see more of them.
The Lelcar scenario is kind of long and doesn't really have a lot of good stopping points, but we'll cut it here for now. Next, we'll check out the last part of town, and hear whatever it is Wasil has to say.

As you can see, Wasil doesn't look anywhere near as trustworthy without his hat. Also, Kyle, because he's finally relevant.

And a concept.